Undergraduate and Graduate Education Programs

Theoretical and practical courses in Histology and Embryology continue at the Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Dentistry at the undergraduate level. Current course schedules can be accessed at http://tip.marmara.edu.tr/ogrenci/ders-programlari2.
At the postgraduate level;
Graduates who have completed a four-year undergraduate education (Biology, Molecular Biology graduates) are accepted from those who meet the application requirements for the Graduate Program of the Institute of Health Sciences. Theoretical and practical courses in the Histology and Embryology Master's program are given and those who complete the Master's thesis graduate from the Master's program. (https://meobs.marmara.edu.tr/ProgramTanitim/saglik-sciences-institute/histology-embryology-433-395-0)
Among those who meet the application requirements for the Graduate-based Doctorate program of the Institute of Health Sciences, those who have completed a Histology and Embryology master's degree and those who have completed their Medical Education can apply. Theoretical and practical courses are given in the Histology and Embryology Master's Doctorate program, and those who complete their doctoral thesis graduate from the PhD program. (https://meobs.marmara.edu.tr//ProgramTanitim/saglik-sciences-institute/histology-embryology-434-395-0)
Those who receive specialization in medicine take the theoretical and practical courses of Histology and Embryology, and those who complete the specialty thesis in medicine and the examination for specialization in medicine graduate as a Specialist Doctor.

This page updated by Histology - Embryology on 06.06.2023 11:34:22

Histology - Embryology